Tuesday, August 1, 2017


I made this for the special edition book cover for K. M. Rice's Darkling. It's a Z-brush model lit in Keyshot with some work done in Photoshop.

Monday, November 21, 2016

Galadriel at Dol Guldur: Weta Collectible

 This is my sculpt of the Lady Galadriel, for Weta Workshop's Collectible line. I really enjoyed this one, and it was a cool challenge to sculpt flowing lace! 
She's up for Pre-Order if you want to check her out at the Weta site: 

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Lion Mascot

This was a concept for a sculpture at Scot's College. In the end they went with a more modern steel style, but I had fun trying to get some classic lion-sigil feel into this.

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Some portrait practice

 Ok so these aren't technically creatures ;) But portaiture was one of my first loves in the arts <3 So having a play sketching

Monday, July 6, 2015


A Revamp of an older piece...

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Zhongkui: Snow Girl and the Dark Crystal

Here's some less icky work! Especially the purdy flying ponyyy ;) This was a fun project we worked on at Weta, a Chinese film called Zhongkui: Snow Girl and the Dark Crystal. It was very fantastical with a lot of fun characters to explore! Here's some of the design work I did on the project.

Wednesday, June 17, 2015


Get ready from some GROSS! This was a pretty crazy project I worked on at Weta, an Indian film called "I". This is some of the design work I did for the lead character, "Lingesan" and some of his gruesome victims of revenge. I haven't seen the film yet, but am keen to check it out!
All of these designs were then sculpted by the talented prosthetic sculptors at Weta Workshop, so each of these (the final designs) were made into practical makeups :)